Hi, I am Marisa a simple woman, daughter, sister, friend and ridiculously proud Texan with an “ever so slight Texas twang. I love my beautiful faith, living it out, and sharing it with others. I, like you, am called to be a saint, living a saintly life and like most saints before me, I am clumsy, usually ungraceful, mostly manic, and screw up… A LOT! Of course it is through all of my lacking that God shines the brightest.
I was raised an ELCA Lutheran and found my way home to the Catholic church in 2011. I am forever grateful for the church I came up in, as it gave me a beautiful foundation and led me to where I am today. Growing up protestant I held so many misconceptions about Catholicism that had been passed down to me from generations before me. I think this is a big part of the reason I am so passionate about sharing what we have been given with everyone and anyone who will listen.
As a single, newly Catholic-Christian woman nearing my 30s, I didn’t exactly fit the mold. If you are single and over 25, you know what I mean. By the time I found my way into The Church all good Catholic men and women my age were married with 4.3 children, 2 dogs and a cat or living as a Religious. So where do I fit in? We all want to find our niche, our tribe, the place where God wants us to bloom and flourish. I considered the religious life and could not contain my laughter at the vision of me in a habit with a host of other women. All of a sudden I saw myself living out the first part of The Sound of Music. How do you solve a problem like Marisa…. HA. Well 11 years later I am still the outsider (not in a bad way of course) who doesn’t quite fit into any of the groups. That holds a beauty all its own as it has allowed me so many beautiful graces and opportunities that I would not have had as a married woman and mother. I spent the last year of my Granny’s life, living with and caring for her, then subsequently taking care of my Granddad for the rest of his life. I am able to be active in the lives of friends as their families continue to grow and I am just recently discovering the joys of traveling. I have had a life long longing to see Ireland. I pray this will be in my near future, God willing of course.
A few of the many things I enjoy are faith, time with family, animals, tradition and of course all things Ireland. I would love for you to come along with me in this journey of living out an authentic Christian life for Him no matter what your state of life.