Traditional Feast Day: September 29 (AKA Michaelmas)
Let’s start with a few stats:
Rank: Archangel
Created by God before time existed
Etymology: Michael is Hebrew for “Who is Like God”
Symbols: Sword, stepping on the devil
Patron of: The Military/Soldiers, Police Officers, Firemen, Mariners, Paratroopers, Security Guards, Paramedics, EMTs, Grocers, Doctors, Radiologists, and sickness
What is an Angel?
“Angels are created spirits, without bodies, having understanding and free will.” “Angels are the most excellent beings created by God. They are nobler in nature than men. They know more, and have greater power. Of all God’s creatures, angels resemble Him most.” “The chief creatures of God are angels and men.”-A Manual of Religion. My Catholic Faith. A catechism in Pictures 1949 Louis LaRavoire Morrow
“‘Angel’ is the name of their office, not of their nature. If you seek the name of their nature, it is ‘spirit’; if you seek the name of their office, it is ‘angel’: from what they are ‘spirit,’ from what they do, ‘angel.’” – St. Augustine CCC 329
Archangel – The 8th of the 9 Chiors of Angels. The Archangels have been sent to bring the message of Jesus’ birth to Mary, show Tobias the way to Sarah while protecting him along the way, and as the leader of God’s army.
Who is Michael?
He holds the secret of the mighty “word” by the utterance of which God created heaven and earth and was “the angel who spoke [to Moses] at Mount Sinai” (Acts 7:38).
Michael is the General of God’s army in the war of good and evil. He is written to defeat Satan, who fears him. Michael is written of many times in Holy Scripture as well as other historical documents. He is one that I ask to watch over and intercede for me (along with St. Christopher) whenever I get in my car or go on a trip. I ask for his intercession and protection when I am in danger or afraid, when I endure spiritual attacks. As the commander of God’s army, he is a wonderful intercessor. In 1884 Pope Leo XIII had a terrifying vision of a conversation between God and Satan. From this vision, we get our Prayer for Protection.
St. Michael in Scripture
Jude 1:9 contends with the devil. [Michael] “did not presume to pronounce a reviling judgement upon him, but said, ‘The Lord rebuke you.’”
Daniel 12:1 “the great prince who has charge of your people”
Daniel 10:13 “One of the chief princes” sent to help me in my battle.
Daniel 10:20 “inscribed in the book of truth: there is none who contends by my side against these except Michael, your prince.” An angel speaking to Daniel about war with the prince of Persia and upcoming trials.
Revelation 12:7-12 One who, with his angels, fights “The Dragon” (ancient serpent who is called the Devil and Satan.)
What is Michaelmas?
Michaelmas is the feast day of Michael the Archangel. It is a combination of “Michael” and “Mass”, the special mass which celebrates his feast. In recent years, the other 2 archangels who are named in Scripture (Gabriel and Raphael) have been included in this feast as well. If you are someone who likes to keep with traditional feasts and customs, like me, then we let St. Michael have this day all to himself as Gabriel and Raphael have traditional feast days all their own on March 24 and Oct 24, respectively.
Long-standing Traditions:
There’s a legend of Lucifer falling into a blackberry bush after being expelled from heaven by St. Michael and spitting on the blackberries to make them bitter. Because of this blackberries are always picked before the feast of St. Michael.
On Michaelmas Day the devil puts his foot on the blackberries.
-Irish Proverb
A cooked Goose is an ancient tradition in Ireland for the feast of St. Michael. See recipe further down.
The Aster flower is also known as the Michaelmas flower. Many families would use this flower to decorate their homes.
Favorite St. Michael Prayers and Devotions:
Prayer to St. Michael for Protection
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray, and do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God cast into hell Satan and all the other evil spirits, who prowl throughout the world, seeking the ruin of souls. Amen! See longer version here.
Celebrate Michaelmas:
- Display a statue, holy card, or other image in a place of prominence within your home or office.
- St. Michael is the patron saint of police officers. Stop by your local police station (or if you live in a large city, find 2-3 stations to stop by. Make them lunch or bake them some of your favorite dessert. Be sure to thank any officer you see for their service to you and the community. If you are an over achiever, you can find a statue or St. Michael medal to give them as well. (Have it blessed by a priest before giving it to them.) Remember that blessed items may never be sold, thrown away, or discarded in any manner other than respectful burial or incineration. Selling a blessed item incurs a severe sin upon the seller and the buyer while at the same time removes the blessing.
- Attend Mass.
- Starting on September 21 begin the 9 day Novena of St. Michael. Light a candle with an image of St. Michael each day when you pray.
- Pray the St. Michael prayer of defense each day.
- Make blackberry pie or a blackberry smoothie.
- Decorate your table or home altar with Aster daisies.
- Recipes: Michaelmas Dumplings Blackberry Pie St. Michael’s Day Goose
- Encyclopedia Britannica:
- National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Website
- Catechism of the Catholic Church
- My Catholic Faith A Manual of Religion A Catechism in Pictures
Note: None of this is sponsored and no affiliates are included in this post. I am paid nothing by any of the links included here.
Shiva Rose
Thank you this was so enlightening. St Michael helped me a lot in the past
Thank YOU! St Michael is so important in my life as well! I just love how the saints connect us all! xoxo